Our mind is like a computer; if one puts faulty information in, out will come faulty answers. We can actually become what we think. Have you ever been thinking a negative or depressing thought, and your mood changed to sadness, anxiety or maybe even anger?
James Allen wrote, “Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought, he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself.”
Each day when you awake, practice these habits. Write them down if you must:
If I feel depressed, I will sing. Listen to music if you must.
If I feel sad, I will laugh. Turn on some comedy.
If I feel sick, I will double my work.
If I feel poor, I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent, I will remember my past success.
If I feel complacency, I will remember my competition.
If I enjoy moments of greatness, I will remember moments of shame.
If I feel my skill is unmatched, I will look at the stars.
This isn’t about tricking your mind to believe something that isn’t true. This will help change your unguarded thoughts, and help create ways to improve your life