Monthly Archives: January 2017

Social Acceptance

Do you need acceptance from others? Everyone for the most part crave social inclusion; whether it's on the playground, in the park, at the corner hangout, in the office, at school, or a professional organization. What happens when we are rejected or feel unaccepted? Lieberman and Eisenberger ran studies with adults that showed our brains [...]

By | January 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|9 Comments

How do you handle rejection?

What if we adopted the belief that rejection is a blessing in disguise sometimes? After all, rejection helps us quickly weed out people or circumstances that are not a good match for us. It’s easier to move on when you are not stuck wondering what you need to change in order to get approval from [...]

By | January 17th, 2017|Uncategorized|32 Comments

How Our Minds Create, Experience, and Destroy Things

Our mind is like a computer; if one puts faulty information in, out will come faulty answers. We can actually become what we think. Have you ever been thinking a negative or depressing thought, and your mood changed to sadness, anxiety or maybe even anger? James Allen wrote, “Man is made or unmade by himself; [...]

By | January 8th, 2017|Uncategorized|13 Comments