DO YOU TRULY KNOW HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF? How do you love yourself in a society that constantly bombards you with messages like, “You must have the perfect body, the perfect skin complexion, the perfect [...]
Self-Love Must Begin Within
Today, we hear a lot of talk about how we must first 'Love Ourselves.' When you hear people say, "You must love yourself," do you really understand this concept fully? Does hearing the words 'you [...]
Social Acceptance
Do you need acceptance from others? Everyone for the most part crave social inclusion; whether it's on the playground, in the park, at the corner hangout, in the office, at school, or a professional organization. [...]
How do you handle rejection?
What if we adopted the belief that rejection is a blessing in disguise sometimes? After all, rejection helps us quickly weed out people or circumstances that are not a good match for us. It’s easier [...]
How Our Minds Create, Experience, and Destroy Things
Our mind is like a computer; if one puts faulty information in, out will come faulty answers. We can actually become what we think. Have you ever been thinking a negative or depressing thought, and [...]